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Bonze   Listen
Bonze  n.  A Buddhist or Fohist priest, monk, or nun. Note: The name was given by the Portuguese to the priests of Japan, and has since been applied to the priests of China, Cochin China, and the neighboring countries.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Bonze" Quotes from Famous Books

... you played, Merville; his is great art which will girdle the centuries. The man built solidly for the future. He reminds me of Rodin's Calais group: harsh but eternal; secret and sweetly harsh. Brahms is the Bonze of his art; his music has often the immobility of the Orient—I think the 'Vibrationists' would describe it as 'kinetic stability.' ... Cintras is done. He never did anything; he never will. He theorizes ...
— Melomaniacs • James Huneker

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