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Forspent   Listen
Forspent  adj.  Wasted in strength; tired; exhausted. (Archaic) "A gentleman almost forspent with speed."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Forspent" Quotes from Famous Books

... to rest. And they, trusting in the calm, mightily drove the ship forward; and as she sped through the salt sea, not even the storm-footed steeds of Poseidon would have overtaken her. Nevertheless when the sea was stirred by violent blasts which were just rising from the rivers about evening, forspent with toil, they ceased. But Heracles by the might of his arms pulled the weary rowers along all together, and made the strong-knit timbers of the ship to quiver. But when, eager to reach the Mysian mainland, they passed along in sight of the mouth of Rhyndacus and the great cairn of Aegaeon, a little ...
— The Argonautica • Apollonius Rhodius

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