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Misgive   Listen
Misgive  v. t.  (past misgave; past part. misgiven; pres. part. misgiving)  
To give or grant amiss. (Obs.)
Specifically: To give doubt and apprehension to, instead of confidence and courage; to impart fear to; to make irresolute; usually said of the mind or heart, and followed by the objective personal pronoun. "So doth my heart misgive me in these conflicts What may befall him, to his harm and ours." "Such whose consciences misgave them, how ill they had deserved."
To suspect; to dread. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Misgive" Quotes from Famous Books

... naterally more wonderfle an' sweet tastin' leastways to me so fur as heerd from. He used to interdooce 'em smooth ez ile athout sayin' nothin' in pertickler an' I misdoubt he didn't set so much by the sec'nd Ceres as wut he done by the Fust, fact, he let on onct thet his mine misgive him of a sort of fallin' off in spots. He wuz as outspoken as a norwester he wuz, but I tole him I hoped the fall wuz from so high up thet a feller could ketch a good many times fust afore comin' bunt onto ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866 • Various

Words linked to "Misgive" :   worry, misgiving, vex

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