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Nonjuring   Listen
Nonjuring  adj.  Not swearing allegiance; applied to the party in Great Britain that would not swear allegiance to William and Mary, or their successors.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Nonjuring" Quotes from Famous Books

... a Bill of Pains and Penalties to be brought into Parliament. The evidence against him was certainly not such as any criminal court would have held to justify a conviction. A young barrister named Christopher Layer was arrested and examined, so were a nonjuring minister named Kelly, an Irish Catholic priest called Neynoe, and a man named Plunkett, also from Ireland. The charge against Atterbury was founded on the statements obtained or extorted from these men. It should be said that Layer gave evidence which actually seemed to impugn ...
— A History of the Four Georges, Volume I (of 4) • Justin McCarthy

... not mention Anne in his letters, but being so deep in the greatest intrigues of the day and in the smallest, she was a valuable source of information to Thomas Carte, the nonjuring historian and her lifelong correspondent, when he was gathering materials for his Life of the first Duke of Ormond and his History of England. In 1713, Nairne, James's secretary, desires Abram (Menzies) to inquire if Mrs. Oglethorpe had credit with Honyton (Harley), and how far?[35] ...
— Historical Mysteries • Andrew Lang

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