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Odontoid   Listen
Odontoid  adj.  (Anat.)
Having the form of a tooth; toothlike.
Of or pertaining to the odontoid bone or to the odontoid process.
Odontoid bone (Anat.), a separate bone, in many reptiles, corresponding to the odontoid process.
Odontoid process, or Odontoid peg (Anat.), the anterior process of the centrum of the second vertebra, or axis, in birds and mammals. See Axis.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Odontoid" Quotes from Famous Books

... upwards, and two branches downwards. The two inner pairs of processes coalesce round the chorda, and later form the centrum; the upper outer pair meet above the spinal column; the lower outer pair form ribs. The odontoid process of the axis vertebra is the centrum of the atlas (p. 120). The formation of vertebral rudiments begins close behind the ear-labyrinth, but in front of this the chorda-sheath gives origin to a flat membranous ...
— Form and Function - A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology • E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell

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