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Overgrow   Listen
Overgrow  v. t.  (past overgrew; past part. overgrown; pres. part. overgrowing)  
To grow over; to cover with growth or herbage, esp. that which is rank; as, dandelions have overgrown the lawn. "The green... is rough and overgrown."
To grow beyond; to rise above; hence, to overcome; to oppress. (Obs.) "O'ergrown with labor." Note: (Usually in the past participle.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Overgrow" Quotes from Famous Books

... spectator. It is the very process of nature, and no doubt produces an effect that we know not of. Classic architecture is nothing but an outline, and affords no little points, no interstices where human feelings may cling and overgrow it like ivy. The charm, as I said, seems to be moral rather than intellectual; for in the gem-room of the Uffizi you may see fifty designs, elaborated on a small scale, that have just as much merit as the design of the Campanile. If ...
— Passages From the French and Italian Notebooks, Complete • Nathaniel Hawthorne

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