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Crystallization   Listen

The formation of crystals.  Synonyms: crystallisation, crystallizing.
A rock formed by the solidification of a substance; has regularly repeating internal structure; external plane faces.  Synonym: crystal.
A mental synthesis that becomes fixed or concrete by a process resembling crystal formation.

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"Crystallization" Quotes from Famous Books

... of crystal-life we obtain evidences of still a little higher forms of Sensation and response thereto. The action of crystallization is very near akin to that of some low forms of plasmic action. In fact, the "missing link" between plant life and the crystals is claimed to have been found in some recent discoveries of Science, the connection being found in certain crystals ...
— A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga • Yogi Ramacharaka

... competition—that is, from the competition of casual colonists—when it does come it proves, in many cases, fatal to them. Fortunately, this country's large size and nearness to the mainland has prevented any such fatal crystallization of its organisms as we see in islands like St. Helena. That any English species would be exterminated by foreign competition is extremely unlikely; whether we introduce exotic birds or not, the only losses we shall have to deplore in the future will, like those of the past, be directly ...
— Birds in Town and Village • W. H. Hudson

... ran on as far as the eye could reach between two lofty ranges of porphyry and amygdaloid. The conformation of these mountains was most curious: it looked as if the whole district was the effect of some prodigious crystallization, so geometrical was the outline of each particular hill, sometimes rising cube-like, or pentagonal, but more generally built up into a perfect pyramid, with stairs mounting in equal gradations to the summit. Here and there the ...
— Letters From High Latitudes • The Marquess of Dufferin (Lord Dufferin)

Words linked to "Crystallization" :   crystallite, stone, crystallisation, bloom, water of crystallization, mental synthesis, construction, chemical phenomenon, efflorescence, crystallize, rock

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