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Douche   /duʃ/   Listen

A small syringe with detachable nozzles; used for vaginal lavage and enemas.  Synonym: douche bag.
Irrigation with a jet of water or medicated solution into or around a body part (especially the vagina) to treat infections or cleanse from odorous contents.

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"Douche" Quotes from Famous Books

... the commonplace words, had the effect of a cold douche. She drew a sharp breath of relief, her hands unclenched. She was herself once ...
— The Land of Promise • D. Torbett

... and strong trust come out wonderfully in her direction to the servants, which is the exact opposite of what might have been expected after the cold douche administered to her eagerness to prompt Jesus. Her faith had laid hold of the little spark of promise in that 'not yet,' and had fanned it into a flame. 'Then He will intervene, and I can leave Him to settle when.' How firm, though ignorant, must have ...
— Expositions of Holy Scripture - St. John Chapters I to XIV • Alexander Maclaren

... aquapuncture, alluvium, diluvium, anhydrous, enhydrous, amphibious, amphibian, aquiferous, aquiform, aquiparous, buoy, coffer, cofferdam, debacle, cataclysm, dehydrate, dehydration, irrigation, diluvian, douche, glairin, baregin, hydragogue, hydrant, hydrate, hydration, hydrated, hydraulicon, hydrodynamics, hydroextractor, hydrogen, oxygen, hydrognosy, hydrographer, hydrography, hydrologist, reservoir, hydrolysis, ...
— Putnam's Word Book • Louis A. Flemming

... so calm, Miss Drake's whole manner so devoid of surprise or chagrin, that Dreda felt as if a douche of cold water had been suddenly poured down her back. No kindly protests, no encouragement, no sympathy. Nothing but that cool, level "Why?" She stood gaping and hesitating, for in truth it was hard to answer. To say that she was sick of the whole thing because she had encountered a ...
— Etheldreda the Ready - A School Story • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

... Lisbeth took off her cap, unfastened her black hair, and plunged her head into the basin her new friend held for her. She dipped her forehead into it several times, and checked the incipient inflammation. After this douche ...
— Poor Relations • Honore de Balzac

... cold douche referring to downfall and so on the keeper concurred but nevertheless held ...
— Ulysses • James Joyce

... and bustle: and various attempts were made to resuscitate David, but all in vain. At last the surgeon had an idea. "This man was never drowned at all" said he: "I am sure of it. This is catalepsy. He may lie this way for a week. But dead he is not. I'll try the douche." David was then by his orders stripped and carried to a place where they could turn a watercock on him from a height: and the surgeon had soon the happiness of pointing out to the captain a slight blush on David's skin in parts, caused ...
— Hard Cash • Charles Reade

... Lord would only send them sense, we'd supply sublimate solution— douche and spray, and zinc for their little long boxes of bones," mused Dicky, his eyes half shut, as he turned over in his hands some scarabs a place-hunting official had brought him that day. "Well, that isn't all?" he added, with a quick upward glance and a ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... silence for a few moments, torn by doubts and misgivings. Landover's sarcastic analysis was like a douche of cold water. Perhaps he was right. It had been a spectacular, not to say diverting, exhibition. Her eyes darkened. An expression of pain ...
— West Wind Drift • George Barr McCutcheon

... Radway more than a minute to recover from this cold douche; but he was too far gone to let the possibility of romantic developments slip, and before the Hewishes left, he contrived to let Gabrielle know that he wanted to meet her again. "Outside the gates of Trinity College to-morrow at four o'clock," he whispered. She ...
— The Tragic Bride • Francis Brett Young

... all, it is like the touch of a firm and able hand on the keyboard of the senses. The eyes are fascinated by an irresistible attraction; the heart is stirred; the melodies of happiness echo in the soul and in the ears; a voice cries out, "It is he!" Often reflection casts a douche of cold water on this boiling emotion, ...
— An Old Maid • Honore de Balzac

... doesn't," was Madelene's douche-like reply. "You attract him physically—which includes his feeling that you'd show off better than Theresa before the world for which he cares so much. But, after all, that's much the way you care for him, ...
— The Second Generation • David Graham Phillips

... doors—one opening into the passage, and one into the douche-chamber, which also served for another bathroom. Presently the first of the doors opened, and a girl, without apology, entered and took away a sponge. Did this intrusion make me feel shy? Well, you see, one gets over shyness after being washed like a baby once or twice; but she had hardly disappeared ...
— Through Finland in Carts • Ethel Brilliana Alec-Tweedie

... is cold, has a pungent taste, and contains a large amount of carbonic acid gas, both free and in combination with lime, soda, potash, magnesia, and iron, and is serviceable in the cure of dyspepsia, enlargement of the liver, gall-stones, and diseases of the kidneys. Douche baths of carbonic ...
— The South of France—East Half • Charles Bertram Black

... eyes. He made no movement, he spoke as quietly as ever, but the girl saw something in his eyes that set her heart beating like a steam hammer. The next moment she was chilled as though she had received a cold douche. ...
— The Watchers of the Plains - A Tale of the Western Prairies • Ridgewell Cullum

... that moment he happened to look at his watch, and the sight was like a douche of cold water. The hands stood at five minutes ...
— The Man Upstairs and Other Stories • P. G. Wodehouse

... 92 degrees Fahr., especially when there is no doubt of getting wet through—not like the wretched drizzling rain of England, that chills you with the fear that perhaps your great-coat is not waterproof, but a regular douche bath that would beat in the crown of a cheap hat. How delightful to be really cool in the centre of Africa! I was charmingly wet—the water was running out of the heels of my shoes, which were overflowing; the wind howled over the flood that was pouring through the hitherto dry gullies, and ...
— The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile • Sir Samuel White Baker

... construction of the Simplon tunnel every possible alleviation will be made for the workmen employed, says the Railway Review. On leaving the tunnel when they are hot and wet through they will go at once to the douche and bathrooms provided for their accommodation, where, after a refreshing shower bath, they will resume their dry clothes. The sheds from which the workmen leave the tunnel are to be covered in and closed at the sides so as to protect them from cold. Water will ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896 • Various

... they've only sent a kind of a middy!" ejaculated Wicks. "Here you, Hardy, stand for'ard! I'll have no deck hands on my quarter-deck," he cried, and the reproof braced the whole crew like a cold douche. ...
— The Wrecker • Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne

... the douche—for fighting in the dormitory. In the refectory. Assemble everybody! And if she resists let her have the paddle. If that doesn't bring her to her senses, give her five days on bread and water. I'll take that rebellious spirit ...
— Mlle. Fouchette - A Novel of French Life • Charles Theodore Murray

... the night. A woman in a rumpled night dress moaned under him. The plot is simple. How pleasing it was for a moment. She came so close. She was like an incredibly intimate secret. He gasped physiological instructions. And—finis! The captains and the kings depart. The recessional of the douche! Do you love me yet, do you love ...
— Fantazius Mallare - A Mysterious Oath • Ben Hecht

... a monstrous shock for me and a most miserable cold douche of temerity over my proud aristocrat's heart when at such a moment, my temptress having struck a match on the wall, the brightly flickering flame suddenly lit up the satanic visage of brother Michael, who, after first having leered at me cautiously and a bit perplexed, ...
— The Bride of Dreams • Frederik van Eeden

... said to be completely certain. Both are apt to fail at times. The chemical method, that is, the application by the woman of a suitable soluble contraceptive suppository before connection, or of a germicidal douche (such as a dilute solution of lysol) after connection, or both these measures taken consecutively, may fail because of some fault in application, or because the seminal fluid actually enters the womb during intercourse; that is to say, ...
— Safe Marriage - A Return to Sanity • Ettie A. Rout

... with the icy water of the douche and rang for John who stood outside of the door with ...
— The Indian Lily and Other Stories • Hermann Sudermann

... packed, and what effect it had on them, for that is the sort of conversation that is most approved of at a water-cure establishment. After amusing yourself in this way for a little you must have a touche (douche), that is a great rush of ice-cold water—and that's a good thing too. Above all, Charles, you must know that what every one most dislikes, and whatever is most intensely disagreeable is found to be wholesome and good for the constitution." "Then you ought to be quite cured ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Vol. VIII • Various

... lately expended by the Corporation of the City to enlarge and perfect the various appliances, rendering them, in the words of one of the greatest Hygienic Physicians of the day, THE MOST PERFECT IN EUROPE. Thermal Vapour, Douche with Massage by doucheurs and doucheuses from Continental Spas, Pulverised and Vapour Douche, Spray, Dry and Moist Heat, and Shower, with ...
— The Excavations of Roman Baths at Bath • Charles E. Davis

... calendar for the year before last; Sadie Gonorowsky brought a basket containing a bottle of perfume, a thimble, and a bright silk handkerchief; Sarah Schrodsky offered a pen-wiper and a yellow celluloid collar-button, and Eva Kidansky gave an elaborate nasal douche, under the pleasing delusion that it ...
— Little Citizens • Myra Kelly

... idea can be formed of it from the following engravings, though, of course, the full effect of its richness and color is lost. In the two palaces there are a number of other such drawing-rooms, besides a concert hall, ballroom, music room and billiard room, &c. There are also bath rooms and douche baths on every floor. On the ground floor are the kitchens, the wine cellars, the ice cellars, the apparatus for heating the whole buildings by steam, thus spreading a uniform temperature throughout the two Palaces. Here is also the machinery for the lifts, the centre ...
— A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo • Anonymous

... and the four girls looked anxiously at Ned. They had all, since the day that he was first sent for to Greenwich, been in a high state of delight at the honour that had befallen him, and his father's words had fallen like a douche of cold water upon ...
— By Pike and Dyke: A Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic • G.A. Henty

... in a douche of cold rain and a black shadow which leaped for the security of the center ...
— Ralestone Luck • Andre Norton

Words linked to "Douche" :   clean, cleanse, syringe, irrigation

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