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Hame   Listen

Stable gear consisting of either of two curved supports that are attached to the collar of a draft horse and that hold the traces.

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"Hame" Quotes from Famous Books

... schule that standis dirk Halds the light from your Parroche Kirk, Your forestairs makis your houses mirk Like na country but here at hame Think ye not shame, Sa little policie to work In hurt and sklander ...
— Royal Edinburgh - Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets • Margaret Oliphant

... Highlanders and more to meet the fleet. And ye'll sit at hame, in this hovel ye've made yeresel" (and he glanced about disdainfully) "and no help the King?" He brought his fist down ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... said the strident Mrs. Hob. "Is this the gait to guide yersel' on the way hame frae kirk? You're shurely no sponsible the day! And anyway I ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. XIX (of 25) - The Ebb-Tide; Weir of Hermiston • Robert Louis Stevenson

... while the banded lords were despatching Rizzio within. William, at the ringing of Perth bell, ran before Cowrie House "with ane sword, and, entering to the yearde, saw George Craiggingilt with ane twa-handit sword and utheris nychtbouris; at quilk time James Boig cryit ower ane wynds, 'Awa hame! ye will all be hangit'"—a piece of advice which William took, and immediately "depairtit." John got a maid with child to him in Biggar, and seemingly deserted her; she was hanged on the Castle Hill for infanticide, June 1614; and Martin, elder in Dalkeith, eternally disgraced the name by ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 16 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... supplied him with the match, the first speaker began to feel his pockets ostentatiously, and then remarked dolefully, "Man, I seem to have left my tobacco pouch at hame." ...
— Toaster's Handbook - Jokes, Stories, and Quotations • Peggy Edmund & Harold W. Williams, compilers

... weel that, Maister Hairy, and ye're welcome hame; and ye tu, bonny sir" [1] (addressing Lady Juliana, who was calling to her footman to follow her with the mackaw); then, tottering before them, he led the way, while her Ladyship followed, leaning on her husband, her squirrel on her other arm, preceded ...
— Marriage • Susan Edmonstone Ferrier

... what a fuss ye mak' o' nothing at a'! A kinder leddy never walked. What ails her? says I. Indeed, I think ye 'll enjoy schule, and muckle fun ye 'll hae there. Ye canna go on as ye are goin'. Hech! I wouldna be you, stayin' at hame, for a guid deal. It's richt for ye to gang; that's what I think, havin' seen the leddy and glowerin' at her as I did; but not one thocht but o' love could rise in my breast for her. I'd gie a guid deal for her to teach me, ...
— Hollyhock - A Spirit of Mischief • L. T. Meade

... market-days are wearing late, An' folk begin to tak the gate; While we sit bousing at the nappy, An' getting fou and unco happy, We think na on the lang Scots miles, The mosses, waters, slaps, and styles, That lie between us and our hame, Whar sits our sulky sullen dame, Gathering her brows like gathering storm, Nursing her wrath to ...
— Tam O'Shanter • Robert Burns

... is made, An' he's goin' hame this fall, To join his dear auld mither, His faither, freends, and all. His heart e'en jumps wi' joy At the thocht o' bein' there, An' mony a happy minute He's biggin' castles ...
— The Cariboo Trail - A Chronicle of the Gold-fields of British Columbia • Agnes C. Laut

... some of them by name, "you will found a Whitting hame, and you, Bucka, we shall see you in a Bucking hame, where your children, and your children's children will bless you for the broad acres which your valour will have gained for them." There was no word of glory or of honour in his ...
— The Last Galley Impressions and Tales - Impressions and Tales • Arthur Conan Doyle

... it's hame, dearie, hame; oh! it's hame I want to be. My topsails are hoisted and I must out to sea; But the oak and the ash and the bonnie birchen tree, They're all a-growin' green ...
— All Afloat - A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways • William Wood

... silver penny, And she went to market and bought a kid; But when she came to drive it home kid would not go. She went a little further and met a stick, and said to it, 'Stick, stick, beat kid, kid won't go, 'tis a'most midnight, and hame I must go.' But the stick would not. She went a little further and met a fire. 'Fire, fire, burn stick, stick won't beat kid, kid won't go, 'tis a'most midnight, and hame I must go.' But the fire would not. She went a little further and met with water. 'Water, water, quench fire, fire won't burn ...
— A History of Nursery Rhymes • Percy B. Green

... the major, in an accent that was a great deal more redolent of Renfrew than Middlesex—"I really jist at this moment dinna happen to have a single guinea aboot me, so ye needna go on wi' your compliments; but at hame in the kist,—the arca, ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 327 - Vol. 53, January, 1843 • Various

... bonde's talk, I reflectit that I couldna be a meen-ister as meen-isters go,—an' that I must e'en follow oot the Testament's teachings according to ma own way of thinkin'. First, I fancied I'd rough it abroad as a meesionary—then I remembered the savages at hame, an' decided to attend to them before onything else. Then my aunt's siller came in handy—in short, I'm just gaun to live on as wee a handfu' o' the filthy lucre as I can, an' lay oot the rest on the heathens o' London. An' it's as ...
— Thelma • Marie Corelli

... Scottish Laureate; his comrades take up the air with ready response; and presently we are all swinging along to the strains of "I Love a Lassie,"—"Roaming in the Gloaming" and "It's Just Like Being at Hame" ...
— The First Hundred Thousand • Ian Hay

... (presumably through the influence of Peter) thrice denied the hour, which was actually a quarter before midnight. "Losh!" said MacLachan, who invariably reacted in tongue to the stimulus of Scotch whiskey, "they'll a' be closed. Hame an' to bed wi' ye, waster of the priceless hours!" And back he ...
— From a Bench in Our Square • Samuel Hopkins Adams

... oor ain kye hame, my lady," he said, "and aiblins some orra anes that was na oor ain. For-bye we raikit a' the plenishing oot o' the ha' o' Hardriding, and a bonny burden o' tapestries, and plaids, and gear we hae, ...
— The Gold Of Fairnilee • Andrew Lang

... a'ither bairnies are hushed to their hame By aunty, or cousin, or frecky grand-dame, Wha stands last and lanely, an' naebody carin'? 'Tis the puir doited ...
— The Story of Patsy • Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

... And hame across the green, Jeanie, Ye gang wi' a toss o' yer chin: Us twa there's a shadow atween, Jeanie, Though yer hand my airm ...
— Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood • George MacDonald

... bull; "for my auld brither lives yonder"; and presently they were at the place. They lifted her aff his back, and took her in, and sent him away to a park for the night. In the morning, when they brought the bull hame, they took the lady into a fine shining parlor, and gave her a beautiful apple, telling her no to break it till she was in the greatest strait ever mortal was in in the world, and that wad bring her o't. Again ...
— The Blue Fairy Book • Various

... the drizzle; but at last it came down with such a vengeance that she was persuaded to leave the path and run for a cattle-shed at some distance. Here she and Severne were imprisoned. Luckily for them "the kye had not come hame," and the shed was empty. They got into the farthest corner of it; for it was all open toward the river; and the rain pattered on the roof as if ...
— The Woman-Hater • Charles Reade

... MacGreegor frae Gleska: "Ma conscience! I'm hanged but yer richt. It's yin o' thae waifs of the war-field, a' sobbin' and shakin' wi' fricht. Wheesht noo, dear, we're no gaun tae hurt ye. We're takin' ye hame, my wee doo! We've got tae get back wi' her, Hecky. Whit mercy we didna get fou! We'll no touch a drap o' that likker— that's hard, man, ye canna deny. . . ." "It's the last thing she'll think o' denyin'," says Hecky ...
— Ballads of a Bohemian • Robert W. Service

... scholar—that's easy to see, for a' ye're sae plain spoken. It dis a body's hert guid to hear a man 'at un'erstan's things say them plain oot i' the tongue his mither taucht him. Sic a ane 'ill gang straucht till's makker, an' fin' a'thing there hame-like. Lord, I wuss minnisters wad ...
— Donal Grant • George MacDonald

... procured the following as the first of a series of contributions from Mr William Allan, Sunderland, whose recent publication—"Heather Bells, or Poems and Songs"—has been so favourably received by the Reviewers. A prior publication—"Hame-spun Lilts"—was also well received. Of the author, the Inverness Courier of 19th August, says—"You will fail, if you try, to find from first to last the slightest imitation of a single one of the many that, within the last hundred years, have so deftly ...
— The Celtic Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1875 • Various

... his tormentors, who took care, while abusing him, to keep at a considerable distance, lest he should get hold of them. Amidst the sounds of derision that followed him, might be heard the words frequently repeated—'Come hame, come hame.' But in a few minutes the noise ceased, either from the interference of some friendly inhabitant, or that the boys grew weary, and departed in search of other amusement. By and by, Elsie might be seen again at her work in the window; but the cloud over ...
— Adela Cathcart, Vol. 1 • George MacDonald

... to be knowne as another world. And therefore the Holy Ghost too uses such vulgar expressions which set things forth rather as they appeare, then as they are,[3] as when he calls the Moone one of the greater lights hame'orot hagdolim whereas 'tis the least, but one that wee can see in the whole heavens. So afterwards speaking of the great raine which drowned the world,[4] he saies, the windowes of heaven were opened, because it seemed to come with that violence, as if it were, poured out from windows in ...
— The Discovery of a World in the Moone • John Wilkins

... scarcely doubt what denouement was intended. The plot failed in its main purpose. Rizzio, indeed, was killed, and Murray made his appearance next morning and obtained forgiveness. The queen "embracit him and kisset him, alleging that in caice he had bene at hame, he wald not have sufferit her to have bene sa uncourterly handlit". But the success ended here. Mary won over her husband, and together they escaped and fled to Dunbar. Darnley deserted his accomplices, proclaimed his innocence, and strongly ...
— An Outline of the Relations between England and Scotland (500-1707) • Robert S. Rait

... we were a' wae for ye; a' thocht o' ye and a' saw ye in yir sorrow, for them 'at canna see ootside see the better inside. But it 'll be some comfort to be in the hame o' yir people aince mair, and to ken ye 've dune yir wark weel. It's pleasant for us to think the licht 'll be burnin' in the windows o' the Lodge again, and that ye 're come back ...
— Kate Carnegie and Those Ministers • Ian Maclaren

... she had been shedding for the last two hours or more. "Is it possible that ye've heard naething ava? The laird—Netherglen himsel'—oor maister—and have you heard naething aboot him as you cam doun by the muir? I'd hae thocht shame to let you gang hame unkent, if I had been Jenny ...
— Under False Pretences - A Novel • Adeline Sergeant

... his study amang a' his books. It's a lang, laigh, mirk chalmer, perishin' cauld in winter, an' no very dry even in the tap o' the simmer, for the manse stands near the burn. Sae doun he sat, and thocht of a' that had come an' gane since he was in Ba'weary, an' his hame, an' the days when he was a bairn an' ran daffin' on the braes; and that black man aye ran in his heid like the ower-come of a sang. Aye the mair he thocht, the mair he thocht o' the black man. He tried the prayer, an' the words wouldnae come ...
— The Merry Men - and Other Tales and Fables • Robert Louis Stevenson

... the landlord. "He's a wicked auld man, and there's many would like to see him girning in the tow*. Jennet Clouston and mony mair that he has harried out of house and hame. And yet he was ance a fine young fellow, too. But that was before the sough** gaed abroad about Mr. Alexander, that was like the ...
— Kidnapped • Robert Louis Stevenson

... in ony inn in the town, so I bude to gang to a bit public on the Harbour Walk, where sailor-folk and fishermen feucht and drank, and nae dacent men frae the hills thocht of gangin'. I was in a gey ill way, for I had sell't my beasts dooms cheap, and I thocht o' the lang miles hame in the wintry weather. So after a bite o' meat I gangs out to get the air and clear my heid, which was a' rammled ...
— The Moon Endureth—Tales and Fancies • John Buchan

... both Burns and Scott, Cunningham was the son of a gardener, and a self-made man. In early life he was apprenticed to a mason. He wrote much fugitive poetry, among which the most popular pieces are, A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea, Gentle Hugh Herries, and It's Hame and it's Hame. Among his stories are Traditional Tales of the Peasantry, Lord Roldan, and The Maid of Elwar. His position for a time, as clerk and overseer of Chantrey's establishment, gave him the idea of writing The Lives of Eminent British Painters, ...
— English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History - Designed as a Manual of Instruction • Henry Coppee

... a few minutes after the tongue was let down to unfasten his end of the neck-yoke and the cross-lines, and he was beginning at his hame-strap, always a difficult buckle, when Billy Jack called out, "Hold on there! You're too quick for me. We'll make them carry their own harness into the stable. Don't believe in making a horse of myself." Billy Jack was something ...
— Glengarry Schooldays • Ralph Connor

... joined into a kind of farmyard chorus. In the midst, these five friends of mine were keeping up what heart they could in company. Singing was their refuge from discomfortable thoughts and sensations. One piped, in feeble tones, 'Oh why left I my hame?' which seemed a pertinent question in the circumstances. Another, from the invisible horrors of a pen where he lay dog-sick upon the upper-shelf, found courage, in a blink of his sufferings, to give us several verses of the 'Death of Nelson'; and it was odd and eerie to hear the chorus breathe ...
— Essays of Travel • Robert Louis Stevenson

... cursed your life That you should weep sae free? Is harm upon your bonny wife, The children at your knee? Is scaith upon your house and hame?' McThirst upraised his head: 'My bairns hae done the deed of shame — 'Twere better they ...
— The Man from Snowy River • Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson

... due him that morning and dismissed for the season to find such work as he could in the city, Auld Jock did not question the farmer's right to take Bobby "back hame." Besides, what could he do with the noisy little rascal in an Edinburgh lodging? But, duller of wit than usual, feeling very old and lonely, and shaky on his legs, and dizzy in his head, Auld Jock ...
— Greyfriars Bobby • Eleanor Atkinson

... German Hun Wha thinks he's on a track That nane hae trodden, having fun' A new an' stairtlin' fac'; A' English thocht he doots is nocht, An' English ways are henious, But ah, says he, in Scotland see The hame ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 152, March 28, 1917 • Various

... have gane roun our hill, So now I think it's right we had oor fill Of guid strang punch—'twould make us a' to sing. Because this day we have dune a guid thing; For gangin' roun' oor hill we think nae shame, Because frae it oor peats and flacks come hame; So now I will conclude and say nae mair. An' if ye're pleased I'll cry the Langholm Fair. Hoys, yes! that's ae time! Hoys, yes! that's twae times!! Hoys, yes! that's the ...
— From John O'Groats to Land's End • Robert Naylor and John Naylor

... there is a colour in your cheek, that, like the bud of the rose, serveth oft to hide the worm of corruption. Wherefore labour as one who knoweth not when his master calleth. And if it be my lot to return to this village after ye are gane hame to your ain place, these auld withered hands will frame a stane of memorial, that your name may not ...
— Old Mortality, Complete, Illustrated • Sir Walter Scott

... Ellen. She stood up him before, God rue or thee poor luckless fode (man), What hast thou to do here? And hear ye this my youngest brother, Why badena ye at hame? Had ye a hunder and thousand lives Ye canna brook are o' them. And sit thou down; and wae, oh wae! That ever thou was born, For came the King o' Elfland in, ...
— Folk Lore - Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century • James Napier

... Republic of Finland Type: republic Capital: Helsinki Administrative divisions: 12 provinces (laanit, singular - laani); Ahvenanmaa, Hame, Keski-Suomi, Kuopio, Kymi, Lappi, Mikkeli, Oulu, Pohjois-Karjala, Turku ja Pori, Uusimaa, Vaasa Independence: 6 December 1917 (from Soviet Union) Constitution: 17 July 1919 Legal system: civil law system based on Swedish ...
— The 1992 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... oozing out, as it might be called, of the spirit from her heart, then grievously oppressed with sorrow, and heavy bodements of grey hairs and poverty.—"Yonder it slips awa'," she was saying, "and my poor bairn, that's o'er the seas in America, is maybe looking on its bright face, thinking of his hame, and aiblins of me, that did my best to breed him up in the fear of the Lord; but I couldna warsle wi' what was ordained. Ay, Jock! as ye look at the sun gaun down, as many a time, when ye were a wee innocent laddie at my knee here, I hae bade ye look at him as a type of your Maker, ...
— The Annals of the Parish • John Galt

... ill sour'd, ill seil'd, ill sauted, ill sodden, thin, an' little o' them. Ye may stay a' night, but ye may gang hame if ye like. It's weel kenn'd your faither's son was ...
— The Proverbs of Scotland • Alexander Hislop

... I saw her and recognised her, just as I recognised you. But it took me longer to mak you oot. Although, as you say, you gave me six months in Liverpool, did not, at that time, connect you with my ain hame. But when I saw your picture as large as life in the house where I lodged, I began to put things together. When I saw you in Liverpool you had your big wig on, and your judge's goon, that's what put me off ...
— The Day of Judgment • Joseph Hocking

... of the young Laird's unexpected submission and apology. As Davie Gellatley put it, Balmawhapple had been "sent hame wi' ...
— Red Cap Tales - Stolen from the Treasure Chest of the Wizard of the North • Samuel Rutherford Crockett

... him. But He kens best," she sighed brokenly, "aye, aye, He kens best. But it wes a hard day for me the last time they brocht ma Tam to me. He'd jist gaed awa wi' the lads aefter his supper, an' it wes no an oor, till they brocht ma bairnie hame drooned. An' ah couldna even see his bonny face. He'd fallen aff a bridge, an' bruised it that bad. Aye, aye,"—a big sigh came again convulsively,—"an' his faether not deid a month. Ma Tam wes sax feet in ...
— 'Lizbeth of the Dale • Marian Keith

... to be gotten the better o' by the likes o' them. An' noo I'm gawn to my bed, sae as to be ready for mair adventurs the mornin'. Ye'll admit that I've done gey 'n' weel for the first day. At this rate I'll be able to write a story-buik when I git hame. Respecks to faither. Yer ...
— The Garret and the Garden • R.M. Ballantyne

... cry that last bit o' wandering meant—from Hamilton in my ain Scotland to Butte in the Rocky Mountains of America! And yet, for what I'm thinkin' it's no so far a cry. There were men I knew in Hamilton who'd have found themselves richt at hame among the agitators in Butte. I'm minded to be tellin' ye a tale of one ...
— Between You and Me • Sir Harry Lauder

... put this untill this hame In our Lord the Devil's name; The first hands that handle thee. Burned and scalded may they be! We will destroy houses and hald, With the sheep and nolt (i. e. cattle) into the fauld; And little shall come to the fore (i. ...
— The Humbugs of the World • P. T. Barnum

... can gi'e ye yeer spaurs—at a moderate cost! ... But I'll tell ye again, Captain, ye'll lose time by stoappin' oot here. A' this traffiking back an' furrit tae Port Stanley! Bringin' th' workmen aff in th' mornin', an' takin' them hame at e'en! Ye'll no' get th' smiths tae stey oan th' ship. It'll be, 'Hey, Jimmy! Whaur's ma lang drift?' or, 'Jock, did ye bring oot th' big "Monday?"' ... an' then naethin' 'll dae but they maun be awa' back tae th' ...
— The Brassbounder - A Tale of the Sea • David W. Bone

... Dunfermline, was latterly Collector of Police Rates in Leith. He wrote a number of Scottish songs, and was favourably mentioned in Noctes Ambrosianae (see Wilson, J.). He was the author of the beautiful song, Oh, why left I my Hame? ...
— A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature • John W. Cousin

... in his dreams, "my shoon are worn, and my feet bleed; but I'll soon creep hame, if I can. Keep the ...
— Fairy Book • Sophie May

... a' as your lairdship suspicioned. If your lairdship will come your ways hame at ance, you will find the sinful pair ...
— Self-Raised • Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth

... good fresh butter—what do ye want forbye? Ye'd get nae mair if ye were at hame, and it's not going to kill ye, walking a couple of miles. I've something else to do on a Thursday morning than waste my time messing ...
— Big Game - A Story for Girls • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

... answered; "it's only fair That ye should be takin' your ain just share, An' help me in keepin' the hame for a spell In the extry hours that ye've got to yoursel', Sae, while I'm scrubbin' the floor," she said, "Ye micht be pittin' the bairns tae bed." Jock laughed. "I doot there's somethin' in it; I'll stairt on my ...
— Punch, Volume 156, 26 March 1919 • Various

... we maun part this love, Willie, That has been lang between; There's a French lord coming over sea To wed me wi' a ring; There's a French lord coming o'er the sea To wed and take me hame!" ...
— A Monk of Fife • Andrew Lang

... massed pipers stirred our memories and stoutened our hearts to face whatever danger or hardship lay before. The old Crimean reveille was still heard, but a new reveille, "The Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia," arranged by Pipe-Major Keith, was played more often. During a long march "Scotland's my Ain Hame," and "Neil Gow's Farewell to Whiskey" were often call for, and, on reaching camp, before striking up with "The Blue Bonnets," the pipers always played the Colonel's favourite air, ...
— With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia - 1916—1917 • Anonymous

... by Crochallan I cannily keekit ben; Rattlin', roarin' Willie Was sitting at yon boord en'; Sitting at yon boord en', And amang guid companie! Rattlin', roarin' Willie, Ye're welcome hame to me!' ...
— Penelope's Experiences in Scotland • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... traveller!" said he. "There's nae kennin' hoo mony miles I've travelled since I left ma hame on the north side o' the Islan'! Let's see; it's thirty miles frae there to the toon, an' it tak's a hale day to cover the distance wi' a loaded kairt o' tawties, let me tell ye! Then, whan we were snug aboard the vessel, guidness only kens hoo mony miles we went afore we cam' fornenst ...
— Miss Dexie - A Romance of the Provinces • Stanford Eveleth

... 'Chatterton', the 'marvelous boy who perished in his pride.' Yes, I first learned the story of the Monk Rowley and his wonderful poems with Lanier. And Shelley and Coleridge and Christopher North, and that strange, weird poem of 'The Ettrick Shepherd' of 'How Kilmeny Came Hame', and a whole sweet host and noble company, 'rare and complete'. Yes, Tennyson, with his 'Locksley Hall' and his 'In Memoriam' and his 'Maud', which last we almost knew by heart. And then old Carlyle, with his 'Sartor Resartus', 'Hero-Worship', 'Past ...
— Sidney Lanier • Edwin Mims

... am far from my hame an' I'm weary aften whiles For the langed-for hame-bringing an' my Father's welcome smiles. I'll ne'er be fu' content until mine eyes do see The shinin' gates o' heaven ...
— The Story of the Hymns and Tunes • Theron Brown and Hezekiah Butterworth

... the last they tretyt sua, That he[4] till Inglond hame suld ga, For owtyn paying of ransoune, fre; And that for him suld changyt be Byschap Robert[5] that blynd was mad; And the Queyne, that thai takyn had In presoune, as befor said I; And hyr douchtre dame Marjory. The Erle was ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 19, Saturday, March 9, 1850 • Various

... folk, who were all asleep when Gibbie and his father entered; but the noise they made in ascending caused no great disturbance of their rest; for, if any of them were roused for a moment, it was but to recognize at once the cause of the tumult, and with the remark, "It's only wee Gibbie luggin' hame Sir George," to turn on the other ...
— Sir Gibbie • George MacDonald

... their lessons on the hillside all day, and I'll gather them for an hour at night, and gie them a basin o' porridge and milk after their lessons. And we ought not to send the orphan weans o' the kirk to the warkhouse; we ought to hae a hame for them, and our sick ought to be better looked to. There is many another good thing to do, but we'll begin wi' these, and the rest ...
— Scottish sketches • Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr

... fell about the Martinmas, When nights were lang and mirk, That wife's twa sons cam hame again, And their hats were ...
— Westward Ho! • Charles Kingsley

... was still, When the fringe was red on the westlin hill, The wood was sere, the moon i' the wane, The reek o' the cot hung o'er the plain, Like a little wee cloud in the world its lane; When the ingle lowed wi' an eiry leme, Late, late in the gloamin' Kilmeny came hame." ...
— A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century • Henry A. Beers

... an' great thy fame; Far kenn'd and noted is thy name; An' tho' yon lowin heugh's thy hame, Thou travels far: An,' faith! thou's neither lag nor lame, Nor blate ...
— The Humourous Poetry of the English Language • James Parton

... auld folk at home, ye mind, Are frail and failing sair; And weel I ken they'd miss me, lad, Gin I come hame nae mair. The grist is out, the times are hard, The kine are only three; I canna leave the auld folk now. ...
— Jo's Boys • Louisa May Alcott

... said Andrew. "Ye're treatin' me like a muckle, reivin', sornin' beggar—offerin' me a' that at ance! Whaur syne wad be the prolonged sweetness o' haein' 't i' portions frae yer han', as frae the neb o' an angel-corbie sent frae verra hame wi' yer denner!"—Here a glimmer of the old merriment shone through the worn look and pale eyes.—"Na, na, sir," he went on; "jist talk the thing ower wi' Doory, an' lat her hae what she wants an' nae mair. She ...
— Donal Grant • George MacDonald

... frae our hame, and all that. But don't you worry, my Princess. You're with me, and so you're not lost. You know, it's better to ...
— Patty's Social Season • Carolyn Wells

... as little to the multitude of today as those of the Saxon Ethelbert, and Danish Hardicanute, yet the world goes on singing—and will probably as long as the English language is spoken—"Wha'll be King but Charlie?" "When Jamie Come Hame," "Over the Water to Charlie," "Charlie is my Darling," "The Bonny Blue Bonnets are Over the Border," "Saddle Your Steeds and Awa," and a myriad others whose infinite tenderness and melody no modern ...
— Andersonville, complete • John McElroy

... be buyin' a hame," came in a drowsy voice from Sandy's crib. "'Twad be a hame in Aberdeen—wi' trees an' flo'ers an' mickle wee creepit ...
— The Primrose Ring • Ruth Sawyer

... day, and a seasonable, thank God. Come in by, bairns, I sent Sandy over to Fernie a while syne. It's near time he were hame again. I'll give you a piece, and you'll go down the glen to meet him," and, ...
— Janet's Love and Service • Margaret M Robertson

... to Noroway, To Noroway oer the faem; The king's daughter of Noroway, 'Tis thou maun bring her hame." ...
— A Collection of Ballads • Andrew Lang

... fight at land, I'd fight at sea; At hame I'd fight my auntie, O! I'd meet the devil and Dundee On the ...
— The Northern Iron - 1907 • George A. Birmingham

... mollified in perceiving that he had not had altogether the worst in the tilt of words; "I wad only tak' the leeberty o' thinkin' that, when He was aboot it, the Almighty micht as weel mak' a new body a'thegither, as gang patchin' up the auld ane. Sae I s' twa hame." ...
— Alec Forbes of Howglen • George MacDonald

... just in their glory when Alister Cameron came, With recommendations, he told me, from friends and a parson 'at hame'; He read me his recommendations — he called them a part of his plant — The first one was signed by an Elder, the other by Cameron's aunt. The meenister called him 'ungodly — a stray frae the fauld o' the Lord', And his aunt set him down ...
— In the Days When the World Was Wide and Other Verses • Henry Lawson

... o' yours is jist like the young folk o' to-day, Duncan," he said. "They're aye wantin' away when they should bide at hame." ...
— Duncan Polite - The Watchman of Glenoro • Marian Keith

... With voices shrill, while all thel dale resounds. Whereso they walk into their carolling, For amorous lays does all the rockis ring. One sang, 'The ship sails over the salt faem, Will bring the merchants and my leman hame.' Some other sings, 'I will be blithe and light, My heart is lent upon so goodly wight.'[32] And thoughtful lovers rounis[33] to and fro, To leis[34] their pain, and plain their jolly woe; After their guise, now singing, now in sorrow, With heartis pensive the long summer's morrow. ...
— Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete • George Gilfillan

... me unto thine, Wi' three young flowers baith fair and fine:— The pink, the rose, and the gillyflower, And as they here do stand, Whilk will ye sink, whilk will ye swim, And whilk bring hame to land?' ...
— The Folk-lore of Plants • T. F. Thiselton-Dyer

... Ye see, Eppie had a letter frae 'im no mony weeks syne, sayin' 'at he wasna deid, an' he was comin' hame wi' a fortune. He said, too, 'at he was a single man, an' she's been boastin' aboot that, so you may think 'at she got a surprise when he hands a wuman ...
— A Window in Thrums • J. M. Barrie

... his shoulders. "It was a disheartening thing," he said, "when none of the gentles came down to see the sport. He hoped Captain Sholto would be soon hame, or he might shut up his shop entirely; for Mr. Harry was kept sae close wi' his Latin nonsense that, though his will was very gude to be in the wood from morning till night, there would be a hopeful lad lost, and no making a man of him. It was not so, he had heard, in Lord Ravenswood's ...
— Bride of Lammermoor • Sir Walter Scott

... ye micht hae waitit till Donal cam' hame; he wad hae dune 't in half the time, an' no raxed ...
— Sir Gibbie • George MacDonald

... the west frae the Laird of Aughtermuggitie—but maybe ye winna mind him—ony way, he's a civil man—and Mrs. Dolly Dutton, that is to be dairy-maid at Inverara: and they bring me on as far as Glasgo', whilk will make it nae pinch to win hame, whilk I desire of all things. May the Giver of all good things keep ye in your outgauns and incomings, whereof ...
— Sir Walter Scott - (English Men of Letters Series) • Richard H. Hutton

... she laid it down presently in her lap, and after a few minutes' passive silence began: "That," nodding at the cheese, or what was left of it rather, "wis all I got—ae penny. The leddy took me up till a hoose, an' anither are that wis there came doon hame and gaed in ben, an' wis speirin' for ye, an' says she'll gie me till the polis for singin' an' askin' money in t' streets, an' wants you to gie me till ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XXVI., December, 1880. • Various

... the paper-weights. He banged them down on his desk and shoved his nose close to hers. "Fash me nae mair wi' your silly talk o' love, in business hours! If aye he wanted her when she was here at hame and safe and sensible, the Morrison o' the Morrisons had only to reach his hand to her and say, 'Coom, lass!' But noo that she is back wi' head high and notions alaft, he'd no accept her! She's nowt but a draft signed by Sham o' Shoddy and sent through ...
— All-Wool Morrison • Holman Day

... deil hae we gotten for a King, But a wee, wee German lairdie! An' when we gaed to bring him hame, He was delving in his kail-yairdie[31]: Sheughing[32] kail,[33] and laying leeks, But[34] the hose and but the breeks; Up his beggar duds[35] he cleeks,[36] The wee, wee ...
— The Jacobite Rebellions (1689-1746) - (Bell's Scottish History Source Books.) • James Pringle Thomson

... the like of that we drover bodies make a kind of a practice like to keep among oursel's. But a corp we have none of us ever had to deal with, and I could set nae leemit to what Gillies micht consider proper in the affair. Forbye that, he would be in raither a hobble himsel', if he was to gang hame wantin' Faa. Folk are awfu' throng with their questions, and parteecularly when they're ...
— St Ives • Robert Louis Stevenson

... are in the fauld, and the kye 's come hame, And a' the warld to rest are gane, The waes o' my heart fa' in showers frae my e'e, Unkent by my gudeman, wha ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... day, ma'am, an' he s'ould 'a' comit hame sooner, an' I thocht mayhap ye might 'a' rin across the lad, d'ye see. Pardon me for a-stoppin' ...
— Burnham Breaker • Homer Greene

... an auld envelope from hame, addressed with my name," continued the mourner. "It couldna hae got oot o' that ...
— All In It K(1) Carries On - A Continuation of the First Hundred Thousand • John Hay Beith (AKA: Ian Hay)

... Saint Jame, I not what is my name; I am the more nis; But while I was at hame My mother, in her game, ...
— Playful Poems • Henry Morley

... where the bells clash of a Sunday, and the wind squalls, and the salt showers fly and beat. I do not even know if I desire to live there; but let me hear, in some far land, a kindred voice sing out, "Oh, why left I my hame?" and it seems at once as if no beauty under the kind heavens, and no society of the wise and good, can repay me for my absence from my country. And though I think I would rather die elsewhere, yet in my heart of hearts I ...
— The Silverado Squatters • Robert Louis Stevenson

... Hugh there rin hame for his hippen clouts lest he make of himself a shame," he cried; "'tis not fair that we should ...
— The Black Douglas • S. R. Crockett

... way in a mist since the night that Finn crossed over to Ireland in the Dawn of History. Eh, Laird! I'm weel acquaint with every bit path on the hill-side these hundreds of years, and I'll guide ye safe hame, never fear!" ...
— Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales • Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing

... additions she had made to her wardrobe, out of what she denominated the dividends of the present portion of the legacy, the Doctor ordered in the second biggest toddy-bowl, the guardevine with the old rum, and told the lassie to see if the tea-kettle was still boiling. "Ye maun drink our welcome hame," said he to the elders; "it would nae otherwise be canny. But I'm sorry Mr. Craig has nae come." At these words the door opened, and the absent elder entered, with a long face and a deep sigh. "Ha!" cried Mr. Daff, ...
— The Ayrshire Legatees • John Galt

... win hame to my ain countrie, I make mine avow to enshrine in my reliquaire this elegant bijouterie and offering of La belle Rebelle. Nay, methinks this fraction of man's anatomy were some compensation for the rib lost by the "grand ...
— The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales • Bret Harte

... bull-baitings, horse-races, and the like. Now, Donald Bean Lean, being aware that the bridegroom was in request, and wanting to cleik the cunzie (that is, to hook the siller), he cannily carried off Gilliewhackit ae night when he was riding dovering hame (wi' the malt rather abune the meal), and with the help of his gillies he gat him into the hills with the speed of light, and the first place he wakened in was the cove of Uaimh an Ri. So there was old to do about ransoming the bridegroom; for ...
— Waverley, Or 'Tis Sixty Years Hence, Complete • Sir Walter Scott

... where the pinto was picketed in the grassy swale, and brought her in, with her blind black colt trotting at her heels. And when he had bridled her and girthed on the soft, woolly pelt of a sheep, he lifted the little girl to her back and fastened both bare ankles to the cinch with hame-straps. Then he put the short reins into the little girl's hands, gave the mare a good slap on the flanks, and watched horse, rider, and colt depart northward toward the cattle. For it had been settled, when the biggest brother came in, that if she would try her best to keep the ...
— The Biography of a Prairie Girl • Eleanor Gates

... the same time, he half cast up to me, that I had but an ill-plenished house to take home a wife to—that I had neither meal in the press, kye in the byre, nor oxen in the court-yard. His own mailing was but poorly provided at the time; and had he looked at hame, he hardly would have ventured to throw a ...
— Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume III • Various

... an' for ilk o' the lasses at hame There'll be saxty here, But the springtime comes an' the hairst—an it's aye the same Through the changefu year. O, a lad thinks lang o' hame ere he thinks his fill As his breid he airns— An' they're thrashin' noo at the white fairm up on the ...
— Songs of Angus and More Songs of Angus • Violet Jacob

... having inclined sides, and the tongues, D, adapted to receive the V-shaped block, O, formed upon the block, N, of the trace strap and block, O, held in place by means of the pin upon the spring lever stop, Q, fitting in the groove, P, in the end of tongue, D, of the hame tug, as herein described for ...
— Scientific American, Vol. 17, No. 26 December 28, 1867 • Various

... blushed For the kiss that I had ta'en; I wadna hae thought the lassie Wad sae of a kiss complain: "Now, laddie! I winna stay under your plaidie, If I gang hame in the rain!" ...
— The Book of Humorous Verse • Various

Words linked to "Hame" :   tack, saddlery, collar, stable gear

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