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Pullet   Listen

Flesh of a medium-sized young chicken suitable for frying.  Synonyms: frier, fryer.
Young hen usually less than a year old.

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"Pullet" Quotes from Famous Books

... some angrily, at others suspiciously. Boarding the skiff, he lowered his treasure with care and caution, staggering a little at the weight, and shaking it gently on deck, with his ear against it: and then, finding all safe and compact, he sat on it; but as tenderly as a pullet on her first eggs. When he was landed, his care was even greater, and whoever came near him was warned off with loud vociferations. Anxiously as the other passengers were invited by the innkeepers to give their houses ...
— Imaginary Conversations and Poems - A Selection • Walter Savage Landor

... gives me one sour look an' marches out to count the chick'ns, an' when he comes back he says: 'It's the brown pullet with white on the wings. It were worth forty cents, an' forty cents'll buy ten pounds o' oatmeal. Where's the chick'n, girl?' 'Et up,' says I. 'Yer lyin',' says ...
— Mary Louise in the Country • L. Frank Baum (AKA Edith Van Dyne)

... that woman's wearing; let's go straight up to Shreve's and look at chains," said Emily, on the boat; or "White- bait! Here it is on this menu. I hadn't thought of it for months! Do remind Mrs. Pullet to get some!" or "Can't you remember what it was Isabel said that she was going to get? Don't you remember I said I ...
— Saturday's Child • Kathleen Norris

... who once built a hen resort of laths, and now wears a thick thumb-nail that looks like a Brazil nut as a memento of that pullet corral, says my ice-chest is all right enough, only that it is not suited to this climate. He thinks that along Behring's Strait, during the holidays, my ice-chest would work like a charm. And even here, he thought, if I could ...
— Remarks • Bill Nye

... me," said Nickie, after wrenching a mouthful from the back of the pullet, "but you ...
— The Missing Link • Edward Dyson

... some of them weighing six hundred pounds were placed at the foot of the columns. We were shown two goblets, each prized at six thousand thalers, made of gold and precious stones; also the great pearl called the Spanish Dwarf, nearly as large as a pullet's egg; globes and vases cut entirely out of the mountain crystal; magnificent Nuremberg watches and clocks, and a great number of figures, made ingeniously of rough pearls and diamonds. The officer showed us a hen's egg of silver. There ...
— Views a-foot • J. Bayard Taylor

... my back, but it was only the hissing of a fire in the clearing. The same night we were waked by sounds of terror in the henhouse. Paul, Louis, and I ran out with one accord, but could see nothing. In the morning we found the body of a pullet with its heart torn out. Simile says that the murderer is a certain small and beautiful bird, but we were quite in the mood ...
— The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson • Nellie Van de Grift Sanchez

Words linked to "Pullet" :   volaille, poulet, chicken, biddy, frier, hen

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