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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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khi - kiggelaria
kiggelaria africana - kindred
kindred - kingfisher
kingfisher daisy - kisumu
kiswahili - kluxer
klystron - knobby
knobcone pine - ko
ko d - korean lawn grass
korean lespedeza - kubrick
kuchean - ky
kyanite - laboratory
laboratory bench - lack
lackadaisical - ladies slipper
ladies tobacco - lagoon
lagophthalmos - lake winnipeg
lakefront - laminate
laminate - land development
land grant - language barrier
language learning - laparotomy
lapboard - large order
large periwinkle - lascivious
lasciviously - late blight
late blooming - latin cross
latin quarter - laundry
laundry basket - law of chemical equilibrium
law of closure - lay in
lay into - lead coloured
lead free - league
league - leather leaved
leather soap - lee de forest
lee harvey oswald - legal community
legal document - legs
legume - lemon sumac
lemon tree - lentiform
lentiform nucleus - lepidocrocite
lepidocybium - lermontov
lerner - lethal dose
lethal gene - lev
lev davidovich bronstein - lexicostatistics
lexington - libidinal energy
libidinous - lido
lido deck - lifeline
lifelong - light welterweight
light whipping cream - like royalty
like sin - limbic brain
limbic system - linanthus
linanthus dianthiflorus - line triple
line up - link up
linkage - lipemia
lipfern - liquor
liquor licence - literati
literatim - little dog
little ebony spleenwort - liver cancer
liver chestnut - load line
load shedding - lobster tail
lobster tart - locomotive
locomotive - logical implication
logical operation - lone hand
lone star state - long suit
long tailed porcupine - look alike
look alike - lope de vega
lope felix de vega carpio - lose weight
loser - louis stanton auchincloss
louis sullivan - love tree
love vine - low spiritedness
low spirits - loxomataceae
loxostege - lucknow
lucky - lumber jacket
lumber room - lunge
lungen - lutenist
luteotropin - lxxxviii
lyallpur - lyme grass
lymph - lyricist
lyrist - macaronic
macaroon - mackinac bridge
mackinaw - maculate
maculation - magellan
magellanic cloud - magnetic intensity
magnetic iron ore - magyarorszag
mah jongg - mailbox
maildrop - major premise
major premiss - makin
making - malcolm stock
malcolm x - malignant anemia
malignant hepatoma - maltese language
maltese lira - mammy