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Squarer   Listen
Squarer  n.  
One who, or that which, squares.
One who squares, or quarrels; a hot-headed, contentious fellow. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Squarer" Quotes from Famous Books

... squarer, and more to my liking, than hiring somebody else to do it for you, Mr. Chadron. Ride on—I don't want to stand here and ...
— The Rustler of Wind River • G. W. Ogden

... Tom Osby, regarding her keenly, "not referrin' to the fact that you're squarer than your men folks, I want to say that, speakin' of game folks, you're just as game as any man I ever saw. Lots of women is. Seems like they have to be game by just not ...
— Heart's Desire • Emerson Hough

... the beauty of the Samplers distinctly declined. They became squarer, and were bordered with a running pattern, and the whole canvas became more or less pictorial. Inevitably the end of this art came. Ugly realistic bowpots with stumpy trees decorated the picture in regular order. The alphabet still appeared, and moral reflection seemed ...
— Chats on Old Lace and Needlework • Emily Leigh Lowes

... rising spoon-shaped toward the sky, or lying like a flat plate on the crown. Julia's bonnet always looked as if it had been made for somebody else. She was fond of wearing a shawl, which hung ungracefully about her, and made her figure look squarer and her shoulders higher than they really were. Her face struck sharply upon my brain, as if I had never seen it distinctly before; not a bad face, but unmistakably plain, and just now with a frown upon it, ...
— The Doctor's Dilemma • Hesba Stretton

... "There's not a squarer, whiter man in the world than Rod Norton," he said emphatically. "Now good night and good luck, and be sure to ...
— The Bells of San Juan • Jackson Gregory

... face wore a puzzled expression. He looked down at the sturdy face with its steady eyes, tightly gripped mouth, and chin which had suddenly grown squarer. ...
— Gordon Keith • Thomas Nelson Page

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